Битумные мембраны \ Membrane APP Модифицированные битумные мембраны

Basic Information

•       They can be adhered to Emülzer C or Emilkote primed surfaces by torch application. First coat membranes must be adhered solely at overlaps, and second coat membranes must be adhered to the first coat membrane as well as the overlaps. Note that the surfaces are not primed in packaging applications.

•       At seams they should overlap 10 cm horizontally, and 15 cm vertically. For ease of use, overlap points are marked on Emülzer membranes.

•       Bituminous membranes must be applied at least in two coats and zigzagging (must be 50 cm horizontally and 5 meters vertically).

EM 200C - EM 300C Polimer Bituminous Membranes

2-3 mm thick bituminous membranes reinforced with fiber glass. Both
sides are covered with PE film.
Usage Areas
They are used as the first coat in shingle, slated or aluminum foiled
membrane applications.

EM 300P - EM 400P Polimer Bituminous Membranes

3-4 mm thick bituminous membranes reinforced with polyester felt. Both sides are covered with PE film.
Usage Areas
Used in 2 coats in foundation packaging insulation, and as the first coat in shingle, slated or aluminum foiled membrane applications. Advantages
Thanks to polyester felt reinforcement, they offer high tensile strength as well as extension strength.

EM 300 PAR Slate Coated Bituminous Membranes

3mm kalınlığında kırmızı veya yeşil arduaz taşı kaplı, polyester keçe taşıyıcılı bitümlü membranlardır Kullanım Alanları

Üzerinde koruma kaplaması yapılmayacak uygulamalarda son kat

membran olarak kullanılırlar


Hafif olduğu için çatıya fazla yük getirmez. Doğal taş kaplaması çok dekoratiftir.

EM 300 PAL Alüminyum Folyo Kapli Polimer Bitümlü Membranlar Tanımı

3mm thick, red or green slate stone coated membranes reinforced with polyester felt.
Usage Areas
Used as the top coat membrane on metal surfaces with no UV exposure and foot traffic.
As a light material, there is no load problem for the roof. Very decorative with its natural stone coating.